Thursday, June 14, 2012

BBC 100

Recently, ok not super recently, the BBC top 100 books meme came across my view. I looked at it because I wanted to see if I was smarter than the BBC thought I was. See, they said that most people (and by this I took it to mean Americans!)had not read more than 6 of the books listed. I had read more than 6, but not by much. I really wanted to challenge myself to read all the books, especially the ones I had only seen as movies! I was disgusted with myself that I had never read, "To Kill a Mockingbird," for example. I could quote the movie but had no idea how true to the book it was. So I decided to push myself and to undertake reading the BBC 100 list. And then if I was successful, read the NYTimes 100 list. I want to be more cultured and erudite! I had visions of people approaching me at cocktail parties and saying,"Keisha's read the classics, let's see what her opinion is about this topic." Not that I am ever invited to cocktail parties, but it seemed pretty cool in my imagination (p.s. if you are having a cocktail party please invite me!). And like a great many things I start off really excited and then get bored and don't finish. Then I move onto the next bright and shiny thing. In an effort to avoid the road to hell via my good intentions, I am going to hold off on publishing this post and subsequent posts for about three months. By the time you read this blog I should have read at least 6 books and posted questions and responses to my readings here. Hopefully you won't be too bored with my thoughts to stop reading these accounts. Please encourage me and show some genuine interest. I would like to have at least 100 people reading this blog and interacting with me. And then maybe there will be ripple effects that gets everyone reading. This is truly a challenge to me because I often claim I don't have the time to read. And carving out the time to do this will be the largest challenge, as will be sticking to a book I find exhausting. Here is the list of the BBC 100 in case you decide to join me and track my progress I planned to read the list in order but my copy of The Lord of the Rings trilogy (saw the movies, never read the books!)has not arrived yet. So I am starting with "His Dark Materials" by Pullman. Another series of books where I saw the movie (The Golden Compass with Nicole Kidman and that amazing CGI polar bear!) but never read the books. And I am going to buy the books whenever possible so I can build a library for my kids. True there is virtual reading, and Vivian and I both have kindles or other reading devices; but there is something really satisfying about holding a book in your hands. And for me there is something really satisfying about reading a book that another held in their hands. So I will be purchasing previously owned books not just because they are the most inexpensive - well maybe because they are the most inexpensive. Stick around this will either be a success or a huge car wreck. Either way you will want to watch. Best, Keisha First Book (s): His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman Book #1: The Golden Compass Book #2: The Subtle Knife Book #3: The Amber Spyglass

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